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Acres Manufacturing
Las Vegas, Nevada
Acres Manufacturing is the leading casino loyalty and technology expert and the creator of Foundation™, the first-of-it...
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Advanced Casino Systems Corporation
Egg Harbor, New Jersey
ACSC is the only technology company in the gaming and hospitality industry that provides a single, integrated database ...
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Avatar Software Creations, Inc.
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Motorcoach Marketing Management Systems: A system to track and manage motorcoach activity.
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Aliso Viejo, California
Online Event Registration & Management Software: Convergence.net is a leading developer of online event and ...
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Mountian View, California
eGain Service: An innovative and complete suite of customer service and contact center software, helps organ...
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Brooklyn, New York
Experiture offers an all-in-one casino marketing platform built specifically for the gaming industry.
Our suite of...
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Intercard, Inc.
St. Louis, Missouri
Intercard, Inc. designs and implements Cash Management and Marketing System Solutions for the amusement, entertainment ...
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Las Vegas, Nevada
VIP Player Retention: Empowering hosts and PD execs to become superstars at VIP Customer Retention.
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NBS Technologies
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Player Tracking Card Systems: NBS has provided reliable plastic card printing and embossing systems for play...
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Patron Focus LLC
Scottsdale, Arizona
Player portal: Kaleidoscope provides websites that are customizable to individual casinos and their players ...
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Red Circle Agency
Minneapolis, Minnesota
What We Do: The short answer is everything imaginable inside and out of the casino world.
The long answer i...
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Berkshire, England, United Kingdom
SDL enables global businesses to enrich their customers’ experience through the entire customer journey. SDL’s technolo...
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Tech Results
Las Vegas, Nevada
WAGER: WAGER provides gaming and hospitality venues with better data tracking, warehouse and decision-making...